City Beach WA 6015

If you own a property in City Beach, chances are that you have a number of trees that you have to maintain. If you don’t have the necessary equipment and knowledge, you may, however, find it challenging to carry out lopping, stump grinding, and tree removal.

Property owners who don’t have sufficient means to take care of the trees in their gardens tend to put themselves and their properties in harm’s way when they try to do things like cutting off thick branches.

The good news is that if you live in City Beach, you don’t have to postpone or struggle with tree maintenance any longer. Perth Arbor Services provides the best in tree services throughout the area, and we can help you too. Keep reading to learn more about our services and how they can benefit you.

Have questions about Tree Lopping?

Get in contact today

Ask the Expert Tree Surgeons

Trees are highly sophisticated organisms. The different parts of a tree’s anatomy maintain one another to ensure that a tree stays alive and healthy. It is, therefore, critical to know what you are doing when you work with trees, especially if your goal is to keep them alive and healthy.

The team at Perth Arbor Services have all the qualifications and experience that are necessary to care for trees in City Beach. We have been active in this area since 2011, and we have all the skills and equipment to help you with any tree-related problem that you may have.


Tree Lopping, Removal, and Land Clearance in City Beach

Our most common arbor services in City Beach include tree lopping, removal, and land clearance. Since trees keep growing for the duration of their lives, it can become necessary to lop a tree to prevent it from causing damage.

We take great care to lop our clients’ trees correctly to ensure that they have enough leaves and branches to stay alive.

As far as tree removal and land clearance are concerned, Perth Arbor Services works toward preventing damage to the surrounding environment. We also remove the trees as quickly as possible to avoid damage or to allow you to start with your building project as soon as possible.


Tree Risk Assessment for City Beach Homes

If you have a problematic tree on your property, you may be facing a choice between incurring costs to remove the tree or living with the risk of damage to your property. If this is your case, you can contact Perth Arbor Services with a tree risk assessment.

We will then come to your property and do an in-depth inspection to determine how likely it is for the tree to do damage to your property or cause personal injury. We will also consider the consequences of such an event. We will then provide you with a professional recommendation.


Contact Perth Arbor Services Today

Perth Arbor Services’ team is standing ready to provide you with high-end tree services in City Beach. If you have any issue with trees, palms, or shrubs in your garden, contact us immediately.


Call us today to discuss your needs.

Tree Pruning Perth

Perth Arbor Services offer a full range of tree maintenance services in Perth, including trimming, thinning and pruning of all species. We are friendly and experienced palm and tree maintenance experts – call us today to handle all your pruning needs.

Stump Grinding

Servicing Perth and surrounding suburbs Perth Arbor Services have the know how to help with all your tree stump grinding and removal needs. We are capable of tackling even the most difficult jobs with ease, wherever the stump may be located and whatever its size.

Land Clearance

Prepare the area for your new build with Perth Arbor Services. Whether it’s a big commercial project or domestic extension our team of professional and friendly arborists are here to help! Land clearance, lot clearance and tree clearing services all over Perth.

Tree Risk Assessment

Worried about the health of your trees? Our expert aborists can catch potential problems before they become major risks to property or people. Perth Arbor Services offer comprehensive tree risk assessment services in Perth and surrounding suburbs.

Tree Lopping Perth

Call the professional and friendly team at Perth Arbor Services for all your Tree Lopping Perth needs! Perth Arbor Services are the leading experts in tree lopping in Perth, offering high-quality service, professional management, and specialised knowledge and advice for all our clients.

Tree Removal

At Perth Arbor Services, we love trees. But even we understand that sometimes they need to be removed. We offer our comprehensive tree removal services all across Perth with a highly trained team ready to safely and quickly remove trees from your property.